09 Jul
5 Tips to Maintain your Colorbond Roof
Category: Roof Plumber Melbourne
Colorbond is a durable, low-maintenance roofing option that is made in Australia, for Australian homes. Colorbond roofing is suited to a range of buildings, with numerous colour options and the ability to withstand harsh climates.
Much like any material left in the sun, Colorbond does fade over time. The process, however, takes longer than other traditional roofing options like tiles. It is recommended that owners of a Colorbond roof perform maintenance tasks to boost the appearance of their home and monitor for uncommon damage or leaks.
Take good care of your Colorbond Roof by performing these simple tasks:
- Clean out your gutters every 6 months.
Leaves and debris in gutters can cause structural damage, lead to drainage problems and be a fire hazard for homes in certain areas. Removing the debris can make a home look much neater. When cleaning gutters, always consider height safety. If you have a multiple-storey home or your gutters are difficult to access, consider hiring a professional to complete the risky job.
- Get regular inspections by a trusted roof professional like O’Boyles.
O’Boyles recommend that homeowners have their Colorbond roof inspected every 12 months. The time and money spent on repairing roof damage that has been ignored or unknown is extensive. A professional roof inspector will be able to determine if there are problems developing before they progress.
- Avoid galvanic corrosion.
Galvanic corrosion is when two incompatible metals touch, causing a corrosive chemical reaction. You can prevent this process by replacing flashings with the same metal as that used on your roof. Non-metallic, non-absorbent insulators or sealants can also be used to separate metals.
If you are unsure about whether your roof will experience galvanic corrosion, book a professional inspection. The O’Boyle’s team can inspect for the presence of galvanic corrosion, recommend what to alter, and save your future time, money and frustration.
- Wash your roof with warm water.
Bluescope Steel recommends that Colorbond Roofing, particularly areas not washed over by rainwater, is hosed down at least every 6 months. Using warm water and a non-abrasive soap or detergent, hose down your Colorbond roof to remove dirt and debris. This should be immediately followed by a clean water rinse.
- Do not use harsh chemicals on your roof.
Abrasive cleaners and chemicals can cause damage to your Colorbond Steel. These include:
- Petrol
- Turps
- Kerosene
- Paint thinners
Warm, soapy water is a sufficient way to clean Colorbond roofing. It is highly recommended that no listed, or other abrasive chemicals are used on your Colorbond roof.
With these easy maintenance steps, Colorbond offers a highly durable and vibrant roofing solution that typically lasts for 60+ years. For more information about Colorbond roofing or to book a roof inspection in Melbourne, contact O’Boyle’s on 03 9998 2171.
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