4 Surefire Methods to Keep Birds Away From Your Roof

how to scare birds away from roof and keep birds away from roof

How to keep birds away from the roof?

When you look up, you may see the occasional magpie, pigeon or sparrow perched comfortably on your roof. Individually, these birds shouldn’t cause too many problems. They’ll likely fly away as soon as they see a predator or a source of food. However, if you see an entire flock of birds nesting on your roof, you have a problem.

Despite their small size, birds wreak havoc on your roof. Their feathers clog your gutters and downpipes, increasing the likelihood of leaks. Their faeces contain acid strong enough to eat through many materials, including metal, wood and asphalt. And their tiny claws scrape away the granules in your asphalt shingles.

Fortunately, you can use the following steps to deter birds and protect your roof from further damage.

1. Install Spikes

No, you don’t have to impale birds or resort to inhumane methods to keep birds away. Rather, bird spikes discourage your feathered friends from landing near your roof by creating an uneven surface. The birds struggle to maintain their footing, so they choose an easier perch.

You can purchase bird spikes in a variety of colours and materials so the spikes don’t detract from the rest of your home’s design. However, you should leave the installation up to the professionals to minimise your risk of injury.

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2. Set Up a Sonic Bird Repellent

If you love ambient sounds and noises, a sonic system may be a good choice for your home. With this system in place, you can periodically play cries, calls, and screeches from predatory animals that would scare other birds away.

But if you worry about scaring your guests away, too, consider installing an ultrasonic system near your roof. Ultrasonic bird repellents rely on ultrasonic waves outside the human range of hearing. These waves disorient and irritate birds so they fly away from your roof.

As with bird spikes, you may want to leave the setup and installation to the professionals. Bird control experts can help you program the system to target birds specific to your area.

3. Lay Perch Repellent Gel

Perch repellent gel functions much like bird spikes. When you apply the substance to your roof, the shingles and tiles will feel sticky and tacky. The birds feel uncomfortable landing in the area, so they’ll fly away for a more convenient perching spot.

Keep in mind that perch repellent gel can often cost a great deal, so you do not want to coat your entire roof with the gel. For best results, you’ll want to observe where the birds prefer to land most frequently, and then you should only apply the product to those areas.

4. Place Predatory Decoys

If you know the bird species that frequent your roof, a little research will reveal the bird’s natural predators. For example, if you have a flock of magpies that refuse to leave, you may want to place a decoy raven near your roof. Or if you see turtle doves flying to and fro, you should look for a decoy of a hawk or falcon.

As you search for decoys to buy, purchase ones with moving parts and shining pieces, such as feathers that blow in the wind and shiny reflective eyes. The movement combined with the eye-catching reflections creates a menacing look that will often scare smaller birds away.

Did Birds Damage Your Roof?

Although these methods deter birds from landing on your roof, your roof may have already sustained damage from its previous encounters with feathered pests. If your roof has been damaged, O’Boyles can help you with the roof repairs or install new metal roofing for you.

For more information about your roofing option, call O’Boyles on 03 9998 2170

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